Creating harmony in ​relationships and in ​life

A growing body of ​research indicates that ​mind-body approaches ​are safe and effective ​ways of mitigating ​physical and emotional ​symptoms.

Silhouette of a Family by the Sea at Sunset

The Best Time is Now as Time is Precious

  • Transform life’s challenges
  • Step into your Authenticity
  • Release Limiting Thoughts and Unhealthy Patterns
  • Enjoy Decreased Physical Pain and Lethargy, ​Complemented by Boosts in Overall Physical Health and ​Energy Levels.
  • Experience Reductions in Depression and Anxiety, Along ​with Improved Mental Health and Mental Acuity
  • Connect and Heal to Find Peace in the Present Moment
  • Create Healing from the Inside Out
  • Resolve and Process Painful Emotions
  • Amplify your Inner Love, Wisdom, Joy, and Peace
  • Gain a Heightened Sense of Resilience and Inspiration, ​Increased Joy, and a Deeper Connection to you ​Authentic Self and Creative Capabilities
  • A Holisitic Approach to Wellness

Coral is a certified

Level 2 Cognomovement Practitioner

Somatic Activated Healing Coach

Institute for Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Watercolor olive element

I am dedicated to being a part of leading a healing revolution. I view healthy ​relationships as the key to happiness in life. It starts with the connection we have to ​ourselves and that literally changes everything around us.

Some of the life challenges that have brought me full center to loving each day are working ​through Complex Post Traumatic Stress Symptoms, Thriving through Cancer and ​Chemotherapy, Owning My Own Business, an Amicable Divorce and being a Mother. While ​these experiences were/are not easy I am grateful to the wisdom they have brought and ​bring me. I have the view that pretty much anything in life is possible. It is one of the ​greatest joys of my life to be able to share what I know to assist others in truly amazing ​transformations.